VUTRAX Specialised ModulesSilkscreen RenumberProvides logical numbering of symbols or devices on a schematic or on a PCB. You can choose direction, separately on each side as appropriate, to optimise production, testing and servicing. Silk ReplaceManipulates footprint component outlines and pad styles. Beneficial when applying resistive inks and bonded ICs to thick film hybrids. StatisticsFor quantitative analysis of the design for copper areas, track segments and width analysis, pad sizes, drilled and finished hole size, board occupancy and dimensions. Mass EditA powerful graphics editor allowing global changes and/or deletions of point types, layers, track widths, pad sizes and named structures. Technical/Mechanical DrawingA substantial technical drawing capability is available for use with PCB designs or for any other purpose. Our customers use these features for designing their front panels, chassis, dimensioning board cut outs etc. Features include
CAM AnalysisPCB assembly and test output, both graphically and by numeric coordinates from a datum. Facilities include GLUESPOTS for Surface Mount on and Pick & Place machines, and TESTPOINT analysis for bareboard or functional testing using ATE. 3D VisualisationThis feature displays Isometric and/or 3rd Angle projections of the board, including component heights. Height limits can be set (varying over the board) to apply limitations imposed by the boards environment. The isometric output is particularly useful for annotation to produce documentation, such as showing the position of switches and connectors. |