KONEKT 'ELECTRA' AUTOROUTERComputamation are Dealers for the Konekt 'Electra'
advanced autorouter, which is available as a third-party
enhancement to
the core Vutrax router modules.
ELECTRA Product Description
Shape-based TechnologyELECTRA is a new generation of Shape-Based Autorouting software for PC boards. By contrast with traditional gridded maze autorouters, a shape-based approach allows for more efficient use of routing area and is more suited to handle complex design rules requirements of high density SMD or through holes boards. Adaptive AutoroutingELECTRA uses a multi-pass cost-based conflict reduction algorithm to find a routing solution adapting to the natural flow of the nets. Its adaptive routing algorithm is the only proven approach to reach high completion rate. ELECTRA provides immediate feedback on the routing progress and conflict reduction rate. CAD InterfaceELECTRA supports industry standard format by reading design file (DSN). Routing results are saved into standard route file format (RTE) or session file (SES). These interfaces are available for Vutrax and the procedure is illustrated at How to Use Electra with Vutrax. To install the necessary modules to try it out see Installing an Electra Trial with Vutrax.
Advanced Rules SupportELECTRA is driven by layout rules. Each net can have its own minimum clearance and wiring constraints. Net class and nets can be constrained to be routed on specific layers and use different rules for each of the layers. Different via type can be assigned to net classes, these could be used for example for power and ground current carrying requirements. The autorouter finds a solution that simultaneously respects all defined rules. Product ConfigurationsELECTRA is available and upgradable in four different
configurations with unlimited number of pins:
How to Use Electra with Vutrax
Use Vtx to Specctra from (Functions) to
generate the .dsn file. You can set routing
rules at this stage.
Run the router.
When the routing is complete and you have applied any
optimisations you want,
export the routes to an .rte file
After the recommended Optimise function you can continue with design checking, manual modification, ground and powerplanes etc.
Installing an Electra Trial with VutraxThe router itself comes with some Konekt supplied rats-nests. Two trial versions are available to download from this Vutrax web site:- Electra Autorouter Freeware (250 pin) Installer (about 12 MBytes)
Electra Autorouter Unlimited 14 day trial (about 12 MBytes)
Electra Autorouter Web site
If, after a look at the Konekt samples, you would like to try your own artworks from within Vutrax proceed as follows:-
Update your Vutrax using Install from (File -> Setup ->
Configuration) selecting the 'Free
Limited Capacity Vutrax'
selection. When offered during installation, or afterwards,
install the Specctra/Electra Autorouter Interface.
You will find the interface in the Functions section as Vtx to Specctra and Specctra to Vtx.
If you downloaded Electra from the Konect site (rather than vutrax.co.uk) and importing the routed result doesn't show any routes, consult SAN220.HTM for a fix. The Electra documentation can be accessed through the Electra menu bar Help item - you need Adobe Acrobat. Pricing for the router is based on number of layers
routed rather than capacity. The details are included
near the end of the
table section of the Detailed Price List.